Friday, June 5, 2009


If you like chicken feet here's the recipe, need more preparation but worth to try..


1kg chicken feet -make sure you remove all the nails:)
3tbsp light soya sauce
1pc fresh chili, chopped (OPT)
2tbsp cooking wine
1tsbp five spice power (wu xiang fen)
8 cloves garlic
2tbsp oyster sauce
2tbsp hoisin sauce
2tbsp black bean
2tbsp sesame oil
Sugar, salt and pepper (to taste)
Cooking oil for deep frying


1. Drizzle chicken feet with key lime juice, leave it for a while, then drain
2. Deep fry chicken feet (make sure using the splatter)
3. Prepare a big bowl of ice water, put the fried chicken feet into the ice water right away
4. Using the pressure cooker, put the chicken feet inside add all the spices then add water (make sure the chicken feet is cover with water) then cook with high heat about 15-20min, leave some brooth, don’t make it too dry
5. Ready to serve (better taste if leave it overnight)..

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